Korea pledges solidarity with drought-stricken Namibia


World Food Programme, Namibia

from ALFRED SHILONGO in Windhoek, Namibia
Namibia Bureau
WINDHOEK, (CAJ News) – THE Republic of Korea has donated US$500 000 for food and nutritional support to drought-affected households in Namibia.

This is for a period of six months, starting in October.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed the contribution.

The contribution will enable WFP to reach 24 500 drought affected people most at risk of malnutrition.

Of the targeted population, 9 000 are in the Hardap region and 12 000 people in Zambezi.

They will receive value vouchers redeemable at selected retailers.

Additionally, 3 500 children across both regions will receive nutritious meals through soup kitchens.

“The Republic of Korea stands in solidarity with the Namibian people as they combat food insecurity and build resilience against the effects of the devastating drought,” said Kwang-jin Choi, Ambassador to Namibia.

This latest contribution builds upon the Republic of Korea’s previous support of $200 000 in 2019, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to assisting drought-stricken communities in Namibia.

The Republic of Korea’s ongoing support will provide life-saving assistance to vulnerable households such as the elderly and those headed by women,” said Tiwonge Machiwenyika, WFP Country Director and Officer in Charge in Namibia.

“During this pivotal time, identified at-risk populations, who are struggling to meet the basic food needs will be reached with nutritional assistance, helping them avoid resorting to negative coping strategies,” Machiwenyika said.

Some 1,4 million people, 48 percent of the population, are food insecure
in Namibia.

– CAJ News

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