Shelling kills scores in their homes in Darfur


Sudanese face starvation as the war rages on

from RAJI BASHIR in Khartoum, Sudan
Sudan Bureau
KHARTOUM, (CAJ News) – THE deaths of at least 39 people, a majority of them women and children, in the South Darfur region, is a reminder of failure by warring parties in Sudan to shield civilians from harm.

Both are rival factions of the military government that has been at the helm of Sudan since the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

At least 435 children have been reported killed in the conflict, and at least 2 025 children injured. These figures are reported as an underestimate and the true toll likely to be far higher.

The civilians were killed in the regional capital, Nyala, on Tuesday when shelling hit their homes, according to medics and witnesses.

“We are heartbroken yet more innocent lives have been lost in this brutal conflict,” lamented Dr Arif Noor, Save the Children’s Country Director in Sudan.

“There is no excuse for children being killed and caught up in this adult war. Explosives such as those used in Nyala are one of the many ways children are being killed and injured in Sudan.”

Noor explained that children were far more likely to die from blast wounds than adult casualties.

Rockets, mortars, grenades, mines and improvised explosive devices have all been used since the conflict broke out in April between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

“The parties to the conflict must take all necessary action to minimise civilian harm – something that is not happening in Sudan currently, thus risking the lives of millions of children,” Noor said.

More than 4,5 million people have been displaced inside and outside Sudan due to the conflict. More than 13,6 million children need humanitarian aid. Over 1,7 million minors are displaced.

On Tuesday, the United Nations (UN) announced an additional allocation of US$20 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to aid civilians caught up in the turmoil.

The latest funding, approved by Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, brings the total CERF funding for the crisis to $60 million.

“Civilians need life-saving assistance now, humanitarians need access and funding to deliver it,” Griffiths said.

– CAJ News
















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