Vodacom commits to growth of SA smart cities


Smart cities of South Africa

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – VODACOM Business is accelerating the growth of smart cities in South Africa.

It has announced such a partnership with local governments.

Announcing the partnership, which forms part of a five-year Transversal Contract with the National Treasury, Vodacom Business showcased the significant role digital solutions can play in enabling municipalities to deliver services efficiently and build an inclusive future.

“We have a proven track record in partnering with the public sector to deliver transformative digital solutions,” said Videsha Proothveerajh, Director of Vodacom Business.

“We aim to use our experience and expertise in understanding government needs to achieve their smart city goals.”

This includes digitalising utilities management, healthcare, education and security, which streamline operations, enhance efficiencies and improve the lives of citizens.

Vodacom Business offers a smart utilities management system, which makes use of connected smart meters to provide real-time information on consumption.

To further enhance service delivery, Vodacom Business has also developed and deployed the Citizen Engagement app, which enables two-way communication and collaboration between citizens and municipalities, including logging service requests and tracking their progress.

Apps, such as Stock Visibility Solution can strengthen stock-level monitoring and administration by healthcare facilities.

For better patient care, AitaHealth is a smartphone-based platform that empowers Community Health Workers to deliver preventative care services to communities on a home-based level.

Other digital initiatives from Vodacom Business to support public healthcare delivery include the Computer Aided Dispatch system.

Vodacom Business has developed various IoT security solutions, such as real-time firearm tracking and geo-fencing to enhance public sector security services.

“By enabling the growth of smart cities, we are turning public services into public successes and supporting the government to utilise the power of technology to better serve citizens and create an inclusive digital society in South Africa,” concluded Proothveerajh.

– CAJ News

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