Troubled Niger suffers prison break


Mali military ruler, Abdourahamane Tchiani

from EMEKA OKONKWO in Abuja, Nigeria
Nigeria Bureau
ABUJA, (CAJ News) – AUTHORITIES in Niger have heightened security after a jail break at a major prison west of the country.

An unspecified number of inmates staged a mutiny and escaped from the Koutoukale detention center on Thursday.

The detention centre is located about 40 km northwest of Niamey, the capital city.

Authorities have enhanced security in the Tillaberi region.

The Ministry of the Interior has placed local security forces on alert and ordered heightened vigilance.

Officials have imposed a curfew throughout Tillaberi urban municipality starting at 21h00, in response to the prison break.

It restricts all movement of pedestrians and vehicles.

“Further security measures may be enacted with little to no warning,” said a security source.

The prison break is the latest crisis in the West African country of 28 million.

In July 2023, the country’s presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum, and Presidential Guard commander General Abdourahamane Tchiani proclaimed himself the leader of a new military junta.

This attracted sanctions from the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS), headquartered in Nigeria, in the south.

– CAJ News

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