ANALYSIS: President Biden a humanitarian liability


The United States president Joe Biden with his group of warmongering leaders, NATO

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – THE United States President Joe Biden is bad by all colours of the rainbow.

The US is driving the world into a Third World War. Peace loving Africans feel Biden must step out and allow diplomacy to gain traction.

His recent approval of sending big bombs to Israel amounts to warmongering. The Israeli army argues that Hamas is hiding among the civilians.

The big bombs will be used to blast ordinary Palestinians to pieces in the blind search for Hamas fighters. It is unthinkable, in the eyes of Africa, that an American President would straddle this route.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an American creation. The US is the founding member of NATO, formed on 29th July 1949, four years after the end of the Second World War, by signatures of Democrat President Harry S Truman and Secretary of State Dean Gooderham Acheson.

President Truman ordered the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan at Nagasaki on 6 August 1945 and Hiroshima on 9 August 1945. Japan, which had earlier attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, surrendered and was forced to leave Korea which Japan occupied until the end of Second World War.

By agreement between the Allies and Soviet Union, free Korea was divided into two regions, the south controlled by the USA and the north by the Soviet Union.

The Koreans favoured unification of the two Koreas. Ideologically the Koreans had no problem with that to this day. In 1950 North Korea sent troops to South Korea to drive America out but the Americans treated South Korea as a colony and saw unification as Soviet expansion.

The United States, backed by a UN resolution, treated it as an invasion, as with the argument in Ukraine, and bolstered its troops to support South Korea with well decorated US General Douglas MacArthur commanding. The war ended with the division of Korea along 38 latitude.
The Truman Doctrine, delivered in Congress on 12 March 1947, was that the United States would provide military, economic and political support to countries threatened by communists, sowing the pillars of US-Soviet animosity. The policy started with military aid to Greece and Turkey as Britain was withdrawing such aid from civil conflict involving Greek communists.

Democrat President Biden is repeating that scenario. NATO leaders gathered in Washington from 10th July 2024, known as the 75th anniversary of NATO under the adage, described by Voice of America, as a Roman-old adage, “If you want peace, prepare for war”.

The focus is Ukraine, to fight Russia, in between destruction and mayhem. For Africa this is bad politics.

People are killed and children die in a poor diplomatic blame game, instead of fostering peace. If Ukraine joins NATO, what next? What is so valuable? The Russian disagreement brewed over a long time and could have been negotiated. But the US dismissed Russia concerns. These are hegemonic attitudes.

President Biden is fixated with Ukraine, and Putin that he introduced President Zelensky as ‘President Putin’. At 81 years Biden’s decisions cannot be trusted, more so to his crowded foreign policy for another 4 years. Ukrainians and Palestinians are dying.

The world will be in flames under President Biden. Europe is going to pay the price with the continuation of the Russian-Ukraine war.

Although the war is still off American soil, it will land on US soil if it continues elsewhere. The end result depends on how far the United States wants to go. So far, the world looks bleak with the division of Ukraine likely to be the result.

But if Russians are prepared to go the way, it is a Third World War. European countries have no voice but are sheep leading a lion, as Europe is the frontline.
It is not clear if the American voters are aware of the doomsday.

Warfare has changed. The mighty US frigates in the Mediterranean and Israeli forces failed to silence Hamas, a small group of people. The Israeli captives have not been freed which the mighty Israeli forces thought they would easily achieve by force.

If the belt of China, Russia and Bricks strengthens, Allied forces cannot defeat Russia, and if NATO is equally strong the end is catastrophic. China has already demonstrated its readiness to engage as it is conducting military drills in Belarus in the heart of the European Union. The test is in the next American general elections in November 2024. If Biden wins, call it a world humanitarian crisis. The US President Biden is not fit and proper.

Africa has to find its own feet. What is happening in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, along with election results in South Africa and restlessness in Kenya points to the need for different solutions, one which is not dictated by foreign powers such as the USA and Europe. NATO is not for defending Africa. You can see that if Russia gets into Africa the Truman Doctrine can apply, and that will tear this continent apart.

NB: Luke Montgomery Zunga is a socio-economic and political commentator.

– CAJ News

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