Time to hold accountable Sudanese genocide perpetrators: Avaaz


Time to act against genocide being perpetrated in Sudan

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – WHILE the United Nations (UN) and African Union (AU) are both inaction in the Sudan genocide being committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), a civic global voice seem to be giving a ray of hope to the long forgotten people of Darfur, Sudan.

Avaaz is mobilising six continents of the world – Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America to donate in cash in order to assist a small team of war-crimes investigators on the ground to use cutting-edge combination of satellite imagery and witness accounts to document the shocking violence in Sudan for a possible genocide and war-crimes.

Avaaz is an ally, and a rallying point, for the disadvantaged everywhere across the world.

“The project has already led to major news stories and government intervention, helping to trigger sanctions on the worst warlords. With the attack in Darfur underway, however, this work is needed like never before — and it urgently needs funding to continue,” Avaaz stated.

Avaaz is appealing to global citizens to donate in cash ranging from R40 ($2.16), R80 ($4.34), R160 ($8.68), R300 ($16,44), R600 ($32,88) or any other amounts would be appreciated to ensure the nearly 1 million refugees on the ‘precipice’ of massacre in Darfur were saved.

“Dear friends, right now, Sudan is hell on Earth. A genocidal army has raped and massacred thousands of people. There’s evidence of child soldiers fighting and dying, and mass graves dot the desert,” Avaaz stated.

“Now Darfur’s capital is under attack, with almost a million refugees trapped inside. Experts are calling it a ‘killbox’.”

Avaaz claimed these unspeakable atrocities were happening in a near-total information blackout accusing the Sudanese regime of shutting down the internet, arresting local reporters, and blocking foreign journalists – meaning very little media coverage, or pressure on governments to act.

“If enough of us (citizens of the world) chip in, we can power this life-saving project, fund investigations and non-stop political advocacy. Together we can give journalists, governments, and prosecutors the evidence they need to galvanise urgent action. You’ll also be powering Avaaz campaigns to defend human rights around the world,” Avaaz said.

The statement from Avaaz added: “Let’s stand in solidarity with terrified families caught in the crossfire — please donate what you can now to help end Sudan’s silent scream.”

Avaaz strongly believes the war in Sudan has created one of the worst humanitarian crises on Earth — and getting attention on it is only the first step.

“There’s no guarantee it will be enough. But this strategy has worked before. In 2004, a massive public awareness campaign pushed an unfolding genocide in Darfur to the top of the world’s agenda, saving lives. But 300,000 people died then — we can’t let that happen again.”

Part of the funding donation would be used as “eye in the sky” satellite monitoring to track troops in real time, expose the foreign actors fuelling these atrocities, and use the data to protect civilians by alerting media and governments; pile pressure on governments everywhere with advocacy tours in key capitals, while galvanising urgent action at the UN, from the Security Council to humanitarian teams;
fund an international media operation to document the humanitarian crisis and secure coverage of genocidal violence in major news outlets; and build an emergency response fund to power urgent campaigns to protect civilians caught up in war as soon as they are needed.

“This is our chance to have a direct impact in the face of abject horror — funding proven action that could help prevent genocide and save lives. If we all join, even chipping in a tiny amount will make a huge difference,” Avaaz stated.

Avaaz has a track record in their global mobilisation as they previously helped break the silence around civilian slaughters in Syria, Yemen, and Ukraine.

“Now we must do it for Sudan, so we can truly say: never again.”

The ongoing conflict and violence in Sudan has forced over 8,6 million people to flee their homes, with a majority seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

– CAJ News

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