Kenya scholars seal Huawei Seeds of the Future tour


Huawei Seeds for the Future Programme

from MARIA MACHARIA in Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya Bureau
NAIROBI, (CAJ News) – SOME Kenyan students have completed a week-long tour of China as part of the East African country’s lag of the Huawei Seeds for the Future Programme.

The programme is a flagship of the global firm Huawei aimed at mentoring youth talent in the information and telecommunications communications (ICT) sector.

The tour to the Asian powerhouse – China enabled the youth to visit Huawei exhibition centres, the research and development (R&D) centre in Shenzhen, a tour of the digital government offices, the Mobile World Congress in Shanghai, the Huawei flagship store and capping the tour by attending the Huawei Leadership, Employability, Advancement and Possibility (LEAP) Summit.

Huawei described the tour as enlightening to the youth.

Collins Kirui, a student at the Kabarak University termed the tour as a one-of-a-kind experience.

“This visit was an unforgettable and enlightening experience,” he said.

Danton Kipkurui, the Seeds for the Future Global Ambassador from Kenya, was among the touring delegation.

He is among nine other global ambassadors that have been chosen from different regions in the world.

Seeds of the Future, a corporate social responsibility scheme by the Chinese-headquartered Huawei, focuses on digitalization, entrepreneurship and sustainability.

After a setback due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has rediscovered its physical format this year, focusing on 5G technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Cloud.

– CAJ News

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