Gauteng: ANC, DA clash over position allocation


Democratic Alliance (DA) chairperson, Helen Zille

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – FORMATION of a government of national unity in Gauteng province has been stalled after the African National Congress (ANC) and Democratic Alliance (DA) clashed over position allocations.

DA Federal Council chairperson,  Helen Zille, accused ANC of allocating themselves more than double the number of executive positions at the expense of the DA.

“The ANC today (Tuesday) conceded that they had intended to allocate 3 seats to the DA, and 7 to themselves, out of a cabinet of 11 (including the ANC Premier). This division falls far short of the requirements set out in Clause 16 of the Declaration of Intent, given that the DA comprises 45% and the ANC 55% of the GPU,” Zille said.

GPU is an acronym for Government of Provincial Unity.

“Allocating more than double the number of executive positions to the ANC compared to the DA, does not reflect the election outcome, nor is it broadly proportional, nor is it inclusive. We are prepared to enter the GPU in Gauteng as a power-sharing partnership, to reflect the will of the electorate,” Zille said.

She said the DA was not prepared to be co-opted by the ANC on their own terms arguing that the ANC did not win overall majority seats.

“We cannot agree to be taken hostage in a Government of Provincial Unity,” Zille said.

Echoing the same sentiments was the DA leader for Gauteng, Solly Msimanga, who urged the ANC to stick to implementing the Statement of Intent in the Gauteng context.

“Clause 16, which defines the principles of proportionality, inclusiveness, and respecting the will of the voters (outcome of the election) in the setting up of a government; and Clause 19, which contains a definition of the principle of ‘Sufficient Consensus’ in terms of which decisions in government will be taken,” Msimanga argued.

The DA also accused the ANC of excluding another coalition partner in position allocations in Gauteng, the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).

“We stated that this intention did not meet the requirement of good faith to the original signatories of the GNU. At the discussions today (Tuesday) the ANC offered to reduce the seven to six, retain the DA at three and giving the IFP or PA one. We welcome the IFP’s possible inclusion, but point out that this is still far short of the requirements of Clause 16 of the national Statement of Intent.,” Msimanga said.

However the DA said her door remained open to further negotiation with the ANC provided the former ruling party was genuinely committed to treating DA as equals.

– CAJ News

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