‘AI not here to replace humans’


Arthur Goldstuck

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – AN information and communications technology (ICT) expert has allayed fears and uncertainty around how artificial intelligence (AI) would impact jobs in different markets.

These fears are prevalent in countries that are already struggling to provide citizens, particularly the youth, with jobs.

“AI is there to make us better humans, not to replace us,” expert Arthur Goldstuck said.

He was speaking at the fifth edition of Huawei’s Editors Exchange in Johannesburg.

The event featured stakeholders from the media, Huawei experts and youth advocates within the ICT sector, under the theme of, “AI for Humanity: Innovating for Inclusion and Impact.”

Goldstuck acknowledged that AI was not perfect, particularly when it came to large language models which could make up facts.

He pointed out that as everyone from healthcare to automotive industries integrated AI into their systems, “the machines cannot replace the human, but machines can augment those humans.”

Goldstuck’s research, which surveyed 100 South African companies on how they use AI, revealed that 45 percent are still planning on using it in future while almost a quarter were already using it unofficially.

In his opening remarks, Huawei South Africa Deputy CEO Charles Cheng said, “AI will be the transformative technology of our times and we believe this event will help participants dig deep and better understand its positive impacts in an economy like South Africa’s.”

Calvin Huang, Head Cloud Solutions Architect at Huawei South Africa, previewed the AI capabilities developed by Huawei.

These include the Huawei Pangu model. It is now in its third iteration and provides industry-specific solutions to customers using Huawei’s broad range of cloud service products.

Huawei’s research on AI expands into platforms for autonomous cars, enhanced computing power and coding support for research and development workers.

“All of these potential opportunities need to be accelerated with systematic innovation, and that is how Huawei Cloud will play an important role in the AI race,” Huang said.

Huawei’s Pangu weather model exemplifies the company’s dedication to AI innovation.

“Pangu can predict a typhoon’s path ten days before it occurs,” said Huang.

Today’s methods only forecast up to two days in advance.

  In the small to medium business sector, the Pangu model is being developed to help e-commerce vendors advertise their products in different markets with cutting edge language translation models.

Aluwani Chokoe, Deputy Director and Spokesperson of the National Youth ICT Council, stressed that young people in South Africa should not be left behind as these industries experience a digital revolution.

“AI has the potential to stimulate economic growth by increasing productivity, fostering new business models and creating high-value jobs,” she said.

Chokoe thus commended Huawei South Africa’s work in bridging the digital divide.

“The Huawei ICT Academy is helping the provincial government with ensuring that all the public schools across Gauteng are digitised,” she said.

– CAJ News

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