AU approves South Africa’s elections


The Head of the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) to South Africa, Uhuru Kenyatta

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – ALTHOUGH South Africa’s national and provincial elections were conducted in a peaceful environment, the intensity of such polls did not escape the eyes of the African Union observation team.

In its preliminary election report, the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) noted the polls were highly competitive citing new political entrants such as the uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), Patriotic Alliance (PA), ActionSA, Build One South Africa (BOSA), Good, Rise Mzansi among other notable parties.

Former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta led the AUEOM.

“Despite the challenges and tensions, the 2024 elections were conducted peacefully, demonstrating the resilience of South Africa’s democratic processes,” the AU reports read.

Former liberation movement, and the ruling African National Congress (ANC), this time failed to secure the majority vote thereby leaving it searching for possible partners in the forthcoming coalition government.

“South Africans freely exercised their constitutional right to vote and voted peacefully,” the AU mission stated.

Earlier on Saturday, newly formed MK, a breakaway from the ruling ANC threatened the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) from announcing the results arguing there were more than 500 objections that needed urgent attention from the electoral body before it rushes to announce such “disputed” results.

Former president Jacob Zuma, who is now the leader of MK, warned the IEC from “provoking” an otherwise peaceful voting process.

“There is a tendency in this country (South Africa) to ignore serious matters. There are people who get arrested, even if they’ve done nothing, but there are people who commit serious crimes. Nothing happened to them,” Zuma fumed.

He added: “I fully agree with my colleagues who say nobody must force us to say these are the results, when the results are incorrect. If they say so, I think the institution must satisfy us that they did look into the issues.”

Zuma insisted that any declaration of the election results on Sunday (just this past weekend) would be tantamount to “provoking”.

“We are going to need the time. Nobody must declare tomorrow. If that happens, people will be provoked, we know what we are talking about. I am hoping whoever is responsible is hearing us. Don’t start trouble when there is no trouble,” Zuma said.

However, the EIC chairperson Mosotho Moepya went on to announce the election outcomes declaring them “free” and “fair.”

“Just as the 1994 elections laid the foundations for our democratic order, the IEC has never sought to waiver from its commitment to deliver elections that are free, fair and credible,” Moepya said.

The South African security cluster of ministers declared war on those who are bound to cause anarchy saying the security forces were on standby to ensure the safety and security of people nationwide.

On the other hand the AU pointed out the 2024 general elections, which are the seventh since the end of apartheid in 1994, said occurred amid a renewed enthusiasm among South Africans to strengthen their democratic gains.

ANC, which failed to garner 50% votes managed 159 parliamentary seats from a total of 400 seats while second placed Democratic Alliance (DA) bagged 79 seats, MK pocketed 58 with EFF winning 39 seats respectively.

– CAJ News

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